
Financial Aid

First of all, lets get you started in the right direction. Did you apply for Financial Aid? If you haven't applied for Financial Aid yet, click on the following link:

Admission Policy

Little Big Horn College has an open admission policy. This means all persons who are graduates of accredited high schools or have received GED Certificates are eligible for admission. All eligible applicants will be admitted without regard to race, color, religion, sex, ancestry, tribal origin, disability, or marital status.

Placement Testing

All full time students and students taking a math and/or composition class are required to take placement tests in math, reading, writing and keyboarding. Advisors will use placement results to assign appropriate level classes. Advisors will not approve enrollment in a course that is a higher level than that indicated by the placement test. Test may be taken prior to registration by appointment through the Dean of Students Office. Placement tests are given during New Student Orientation before the fall term. Placement tests are also given on the day of registration for the fall and spring terms, however this results in delayed registration.

New Admissions - How to Apply:
  • Complete and submit an LBHC Application for Admissions. Applications may be obtained from the LBHC Registrar/Admissions Office or call (406) 638-3116 to have this material sent to you. You can also write and have this information sent to you:
    • Little Big Horn College Registrar/Admissions Office
      8645 South Weaver Drive
      P.O. Box 370
      Crow Agency, MT 59022
  • Access the LBHC Application for Admissions at LBHC_Admissions_Application
  • The application does not require an application fee. A registration fee is charged at the time of registration.
  • If you have not previously attended an accredited college or university, submit an official transcript from your high school that includes the graduation date, final class rank, and grade point average. You can also sign a form that will allow the Registrar/Admissions office to request your high school transcript; this form is part of the admissions application packet. Your admission application will not be complete until receipt of your high school transcript.
  • If you have received your GED, you must submit an official copy of your certificate and/or scores to be added to your student file. You can also complete a form to request a copy of your GED; this form is included in the application for admission.
  • Members of federally recognized tribes must submit a copy of their Certificate of Indian Blood.
  • Any student born after December 31, 1956, must show proof of immunization that was administered after December 31, 1967. The immunization dates must also be after your first birthday. Requirements include proof of two (2) doses of immunization against measles (Rubella) given at least 30 days apart and one (1) proof of Rubella immunization; include month, day and year. Any immunizations administered after June 11, 1993, must include an MMR &/or MMR II. A physician, health agency or school official must sign the record.
  • The Registrar will notify students who do not submit the above information by the fourth week of any given term. Federal Financial Aid and Scholarships will be held pending the submission of the above documents. Students who do not submit the documentation within the first semester of attendance will not be permitted to register until said documentation is submitted.
Transfer Student Admissions - How to Apply:

Applicants who have attempted credits at another accredited college or university are considered transfer students. To complete admission to Little Big Horn College transfer students must do the following:

  • Complete and submit an LBHC Application for Admissions. Applications may be obtained from the LBHC Registrar/Admissions Office or call (406) 638-3116 to have this material sent to you. You can also write and have this information sent to you:
    • Little Big Horn College Registrar/Admissions Office
      8645 South Weaver Drive
      P.O. Box 370
      Crow Agency, MT 59022
  • Access the LBHC Application for Admissions at LBHC_Admissions_Application
  • Transfer students must request complete, official transcripts from each college &/or university attended. You can also sign a form that will allow the Registrar/ Admissions office to request your transcript; this form is part of the admissions application packet.
  • Members of federally recognized tribes must submit a copy of their Certificate of Indian Blood
  • Any student born after December 31, 1956, must show proof of immunization that was administered after December 31, 1967. The immunization dates must also be after your first birthday. Requirements include proof of two (2) doses of immunization against measles (Rubella) given at least 30 days apart and one (1) proof of Rubella immunization. Include month, day and year. Any immunizations administered after June 11, 1993, must include an MMR. A physician, health agency or school official must sign the record.
Transfer of College Level Credits

Little Big Horn College has a policy for the transfer of credit. This policy is designed to permit students to transfer in the maximum course credits earned at other accredited institutions. Little Big Horn College will accept for transfer all college-level credit earned in undergraduate programs at institutions of higher education, which are regionally accredited or were regionally accredited when the student attended that institution. Little Big Horn College will accept for transfer all college-level credits earned in undergraduate programs at all tribal colleges that are accredited.

Little Big Horn College is participating in the state-wide program called the "Transfer Initiative" developed by the 59th Montana Legislature and commissioned by the Board of Regents and Montana University Systems. This initiative focuses on the transferability of college credits throughout the state with an emphasis of standardizing course numbering. Faculty Learning Outcomes Councils conducted periodic meetings to meet these objectives and focused on offering comparable learning objectives in the courses discussed. The outcome and process is similar to a transfer agreement and serves the primary purposes of accepting courses when a students transfer to or from other Montana higher education institutions.

The department in which a transfer applicant plans to declare a program of study will evaluate transcripts upon the request of the applicant. The student will be informed as to what transfer courses can be accepted toward the program of study and what courses must yet be completed for the degree. The Dean of Students will transfer all accepted credits to the student's official LBHC academic record when the student has completed 10 semester credits.

Students transferring from Little Big Horn College to other Montana institutions under the "Transfer Initiative" are advised to meet with an advisor at the respective institution to review transcripts to develop a plan of study. Other considerations in transferring include the application process, formal acceptance, and financial aid applications or other requirements for attending. The "Transfer Initiative" allows many college credits to be accepted throughout the state that were discussed during the Faculty Learning Outcome Councils.

Re-Admission - Former LBHC Students

A former student of LBHC who is in good standing and who was not enrolled the preceding term will be eligible for re-admission. The student must contact the Admissions office to verify that they will be returning to attend classes. The admissions personal will notify any returning student if there are any documents that will need to be updated for their student file.

If a returning student has not attended classes for more then four years, a standard admissions application form will need to be turned in to the Registrar/Admissions Office.


New Student Registration
  • All first time students at Little Big Horn College need to apply to LBHC and be accepted before they can register. See section on Admissions.
  • The student will receive a letter from the Dean of Students indicating any documentation needs to be turned in, the date of the New Student Orientation, the student's advisor, and other important information related to registration.
  • New Student Orientation is scheduled before the fall semester begins and is listed in the College Calendar. Placement testing, advisor meetings, registration and information regarding special programs, scholarship and financial aid are included in New Student Orientation.
Registration for all Students
  • All students are required to meet with an advisor before they are permitted to register for classes. All registration cards must include the designated advisor's signature.
  • As students are expected to complete 60 semester credits over a four semester period of time, a minimum of 15 or more credits must be taken each semester. To encourage students to take a full load of 15 or more credits, a tuition package has been created allowing students to register for 12 to 18 credits for the same tuition as 12 credits. Thus, whether one registers for 12, 15 or 18 credits, the same tuition applies. It is clearly to the students' advantage to register for 15 credits, up to 18 credits.
  • Once the academic advisor has approved the course schedule, the student should register in person at the Registrar's Office or designated registration table. Registration is complete ONLY when the registration card is turned into the Registrar.
Adding Courses

A student may add courses until the 10th day after registration. The student must have the Instructor's and Dean of Students' written permission. Students adding courses after the 10th day after registration may do so with the permission of their Academic Adviser, Dean of Students and the Instructor of the course. Students must use the ADD/DROP card to add courses after the formal registration day. The ADD/DROP card must be signed and returned to the Registrar's Office.

Dropping Courses

Students may drop classes until the 10th instructional day after Registration without notation on the transcript. After the 10th instructional day, withdrawals will be used. A student may withdraw from a course without grade penalty up through the 40th instructional day after registration. The student must submit an ADD/DROP card with the Registrar's Office. Students may be automatically withdrawn from a course if student has not attended classes for six consecutive days after registration. (See Class Attendance and Student Absences section). Otherwise it is the student's responsibility to withdraw from a course according to the withdrawal procedures contained in this catalog.

Repeated Courses

When a course in which a student has previously attempted credit is repeated, only the most recent course information, credit and grade, is calculated into the student's grade point average. The original course and grade will remain on the official transcript and an "R" will appear adjacent to the course grade indicating it has been repeated.

No prerequisite course may be repeated if a more advanced course has been completed with a passing grade of "C" or better. Exceptions may be considered only upon appeal to the Dean of Academics.