Program review

Prior to the pandemic, LBHC had a somewhat regular and cyclical program review process for its academic programs, which was quite involved and time-consuming (see the human services and education examples). In May 2024, the College developed a more streamlined program review process, which is now conducted annually, and focuses on the essential aspects of the College’s mission and top priorities: increasing the integration of Crow language and culture into the curriculum, reviewing student success data, and increasing the use of active teaching, learning, and assessment strategies. The program review report also includes program reflections on areas of strength, areas for improvement, and program next steps and is a continuous process to assess institutional effectiveness, including student achievement and learning.

Faculty instructions: Please complete the program review report (in google forms) and be thoughtful in your responses. You can include all degree options in one report. For reference and preparation only, here is the set of program review questions.

Completed program review reports
Building trades: 2023-24

Business administration: 2023-24

Crow studies (includes Crow studies and Native American studies options): 2023-24

Education (includes ECE and elementary education options): 2023-24

Highway construction: 2023-24

Human services (includes addiction studies, human services, and psychology options): 2023-24

Information technology: 2023-24

Mathematics (includes math and pre-engineering options): 2023-24

Science - Applied sciences (includes pre-med, pre-nursing, and community health options): 2023-24

Science - Natural science (includes natural resources/environmental sciences, tribal natural resources/environmental science, and biology options): 2023-24