Program learning outcomes

Program learning outcomes (PLOs) are overarching skills that are emphasized and reinforced throughout several courses in a specific program; they are measurable statements that define the skills the College expects its students to develop – over and above the general education learning outcomes – by the end of a specific certificate or degree at LBHC. See LBHC's assessment plans and reports and its 2023-24 assessment plan for a list of annual goals and progress regarding the PLO assessment process.

How to write learning outcomes at the course, program, or general education levels (July 2023)

Summary of 2022-23 and 2023-24 faculty reflections on program learning outcomes assessment (07.11.2023 and 05.08.2024)

PLO curriculum maps (to update your curriculum map, download and edit the document below, and email the revised version to Kimmy)
Blank template
Building trades (2024)
Business administration (2024)
Crow studies (Crow studies option) (2024)
Crow studies (Native American studies option) (2024)
Education (ECE option) (2024)
Education (elementary option) (2024)
Highway construction (2024)
Human services (addiction studies option) (2024)
Human services (human services option) (2024)
Human services (psychology option) (2024)
Information technology (2024)
Mathematics (includes math and pre-engineering options, 2024)
Science - Applied sciences (includes pre-med, pre-nursing, and community health options)
Science - Natural science (includes natural resources/environmental sciences, tribal natural resources/environmental science, and biology options, 2024)

2023-24 blank PLO report: blank template

Completed PLO reports
Building trades: 2023-24 (Robert), 2023-24 (Tim)
Business administration: 2022-23, 2023-24
Crow studies: 2022-23, 2023-24
Education (ECE): 2022-23, 2023-24
Education (elementary education): 2023-24
Human services (addition studies and human services): 2022-23, 2023-24
Human services (psychology option): 2022-23, 2023-24
Highway construction: 2023-24
Information technology: 2023-24
Mathematics: 2022-23