Department reflections

The department reflection process is for LBHC's non-academic departments and is conducted annually. It is a continuous process to assess institutional effectiveness, including student achievement and support services. The department reflection report focuses on the department's key accomplishments from the previous year, its goals for the coming year (and the strategic plan objective that relates most closely to each goal), and reflections on student success data (enrollment, retention, and graduation rate). The department reflection report also includes department reflections on areas of strength and challenges and areas for improvement.

Staff instructions: Download, save to your computer, and complete the department reflection report (a Word document) and be thoughtful in your responses. Smaller related departments can combine to complete one report together.

Completed department reflection reports
Academics: 2024
Administration (custodial, human resources, maintenance, security): 2024
Assessment / data: 2024
Extension office: 2024
Finance: 2024
Health and wellness: 2024
Information technology: 2024
Library: 2024
Student services: 2024
Workforce (trades): 2024